All my life I have loved to see what I can tell about something by simply looking at it. I would find myself just listening with my eyes until I got a glimps about the subject. That's what I love about photography. Everytime I get the opportunity to capture moments I feel like I've gotten a glimpse into the feel of my client. That's what I do, I capture the feel, the emotion and the joy of the families I get to photograph. My goal as a photographer is to leave you with memories that would otherwise been missed, not because of the pictures not being taken, but by the moment not being captured. I hope you have captured some precious moments, and if you need more I'm your girl!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Fun Family

I love "shooting" families! I love the krinkley noses of the kids when they laugh, the sideways glance a little sister gives her big brother, the all to knowing look between parents. I feel lucky to be invited into the realtionships in famlies when I capture their moments. Here is a little sampling of the Mercier family.

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