All my life I have loved to see what I can tell about something by simply looking at it. I would find myself just listening with my eyes until I got a glimps about the subject. That's what I love about photography. Everytime I get the opportunity to capture moments I feel like I've gotten a glimpse into the feel of my client. That's what I do, I capture the feel, the emotion and the joy of the families I get to photograph. My goal as a photographer is to leave you with memories that would otherwise been missed, not because of the pictures not being taken, but by the moment not being captured. I hope you have captured some precious moments, and if you need more I'm your girl!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

All the beauty around us

One of my favorites things to do is to try to see something different everyday. As I go about my errands I try to look at everything and see something new. These 3 pictures are about the beauty that is all around us. We pass by scenes like this everyday. Have you stopped to take in the beauty of your neighbors tree, or their flower bed? On your last road trip did you stop to take in the creek by road or that patch of wild flowers up on the hill? There is so much beauty all around us just waiting to be captured.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Some of My Favorites

So I thought that I would share with everyone some of my FAVORITE photos. I absolutley love, love, love taking pictures of all the beauty around us. This fist photo is one of my all time favorites! I love the texture, you can feel the velvet with you eyes! I love the depth of color and the pure beauty. The next 3 photos are just to precious. They are the cutes little kidos, and I just caught them at the best moments. I love the curls of the little beauty in the last picture. The one of all 3 kids reminds me of myself and my cousins when I was little...can't you just see yourself in this photo? Well, enjoy and I'll post more of my favorites tomorrow!

The oh so sweet Bentley Family

The other day My husband was on an appointment at the Bentley's home, and I get a call in the middle of his time there and he tells me they are asking him to take their family photo, and he says "No Way, that is my wifes department!" So I hurry over and we have a full blown photo fest! A quick little photo turned into some really Yummy, and beautiful shots. I love it when I can help out in an unexpected way!

Thank you Bentley Family!

Valentines Surprise

My good friend Goldie, (who should be called Red because she has the most massive RED hair) called me up one day and asked me if I would help her with her Valentines gift to her hubby. Of course I said yes! She wanted to give him pictures of herself, so off we went on a fun and oh so cute photo shoot!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Fun Family

I love "shooting" families! I love the krinkley noses of the kids when they laugh, the sideways glance a little sister gives her big brother, the all to knowing look between parents. I feel lucky to be invited into the realtionships in famlies when I capture their moments. Here is a little sampling of the Mercier family.